FDNY Foundation congratulates the 154 FDNY Probationary EMTs on their graduation and the promotion of 14 EMS Captains
February 12, 2020
The FDNY Foundation reminds everybody to CLOSE THE DOOR when escaping a fire
March 12, 2020The FDNY Foundation reminds all New Yorkers to attend Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery events
The FDNY Foundation and FDNY are reminding all New Yorkers to attend your local Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery events during the week of March 1st – March 7th. At these events, the FDNY Fire Safety Education Unit will be distributing fire safety literature and 9-volt batteries to constituents throughout the five boroughs. We would like to remind everybody to have a working smoke alarm in your home. Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms when you change your clocks. Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives! Learn to be #FDNYSmart. Find an event near you!
For more safety tips, visit: fdnysmart.org